Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Moving on to New Digs

The plan was to base the podcast off of this site and have the actual audio files hosted elsewhere. Turns out elsewhere was such a headache, and that by the time I was done setting it up I had a better site than this one. So, from now on I will be using podcast.twofistedmagic.com as the new homepage.

If you found this page by way of Geek Radio Daily, I apologize, but hopefully this is the biggest SNAFU I will have to deal with.

Monday, March 01, 2010

Show Time Approaches

The world is now aware of Two-Fisted Tales of Magic thanks to the good people at Geek Radio Daily. Nothing like a deadline to motivate. First story is finaled and ready for recording. My goal is to have three or four episodes recorded and ready for chatter at any given time.

It shall be done!!